Today, the Revolutionary Communist Party of India (RCPI) celebrates its 91st foundation day, reflecting on a legacy of strong commitment to the struggle against the exploiting classes. Since its inception on August 1, 1934, the RCPI has travelled a path filled with challenges, including splits, re-mergers, bans, arrests, and the martyrdom of many partisans. Despite these trials, our enthusiasm and desire to build a classless society have never faded. We stand with courage and determination to succeed in our mission, irrespective of the relentless suppression by those in power.
On this significant day, we honour the revolutionary teachers of Marxism who have guided us in our quest to dismantle exploitative systems and establish a just society. We draw inspiration from their teachings, not by blind adherence, but through thorough analysis of their works and actions. We also express our gratitude to revolutionaries worldwide who have sacrificed their lives for the liberation of humanity from exploitation and oppression.
The RCPI remains committed to upholding the principles of revolutionary communism in the best tradition of Marx, Engels, and Lenin. We reject the theories of collaboration with capitalists in the struggle against capitalism and feudalism. In this epoch of imperialism, our struggle continues to be against and without the bourgeoisie. Committed to the struggle against global capitalism in all forms and for the establishment of world socialism, we stand firmly against utopian and collaborative theories such as socialism in one country and the two-stage theory, which stand as obstacles on the path to a World Proletarian Revolution.
In the current Indian political scenario, the capitalist class is represented not only by the ruling party, the BJP, but also by the opposition parties like the INC, TMC, RJD, BSP, JD(U), and others. The people of India must understand that these parties serve the interests of the bourgeoisie. Therefore, our struggle cannot be merely against the BJP but against the entire capitalist structure. Our goal is not the defeat of a single party but the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of socialism. To achieve this, the RCPI must lead the proletariat and seek support from all exploited and oppressed strata of society, strengthening our struggle both within and outside the bourgeois parliament.
Reflecting on the teachings of Comrade Saumyendranath Tagore, our founder, we acknowledge that the fight against fascism in India and other parts of the world as well cannot be substituted with liberalism. From the teachings of Lenin, Trotsky, and Gramsci, we understand that the eradication of fascism necessitates the eradication of the bourgeoisie that birthed it. As Gramsci emphasised, “The liquidation of fascism must be the liquidation of the bourgeoisie that created it.”
In commemorating the RCPI’s 91st foundation day, we reiterate our pledge to the exploited and oppressed masses. Our struggle for world socialism will ever endure, inspired by the spirit of revolutionary communism and the legacy of our predecessors. We remain committed to our revolutionary goal to establish a society free from exploitation and oppression. Our increasing growth in different parts of the country indicates that we will achive our revolutionary goals soon.
Long Live the Revolution!